Occupational Therapy for Dementia

Occupational Therapy for Dementia

Dementia is an overall term for memory loss and decline in cognition. Specifically characterized by the decline in mental ability which affects daily life. The mental decline has no cure, but there are types of therapy that specialize in providing strategies and...
How to Talk With Your Dementia Loved One

How to Talk With Your Dementia Loved One

Dementia is a progressive disease that changes the ability to comprehend the world around you. Subtle communication nuances, such as sarcasm and rhetorical questions, can leave your dementia loved one feeling confused. As a caregiver, It is essential to change your...
Sundowning and How to Handle It

Sundowning and How to Handle It

What is sundowning? Sundowning is a condition characterized by cycles of increased confusion, disorientation and agitation in the late afternoon or early evening hours in people who are in the middle to late stages of Alzheimer’s or other forms of dementia....
Alzheimer’s Straight Up

Alzheimer’s Straight Up

We know you’ve heard of Alzheimer’s, as it is the most common form of dementia and affects nearly 6 million Americans. You may even know it affects your memory, but what else do you know about Alzheimer’s? This disease can be tricky to understand and...