How Therapy Helps Parkinson’s Patients

How Therapy Helps Parkinson’s Patients

Parkinson’s disease (or PD) is a chronic neurological condition which causes a small area of nerve cells to die off affecting a person’s ability to make smooth, coordinated motor movements. The effects of these brain changes create symptoms in motor...
Managing Parkinson’s Symptoms

Managing Parkinson’s Symptoms

Parkinson’s affects approximately 10 million people worldwide, including one million Americans. It is the second most common neurological disorder (following Alzheimer’s Disease). Uncontrolled PD significantly reduces the patient’s quality of life and can render a...
Arthritis Pain Relief

Arthritis Pain Relief

Arthritis Pain Relief If you or your loved ones are living with arthritis pain then you are not alone! There are more than 40 million Americans suffering from arthritis right now. Arthritis comes in many forms affecting the various joints including your knees, hips,...