Dementia Distractions

Dementia Distractions

The BEST Dementia Distractions for Caregivers Individuals with dementia are known for saying or doing the same things over and over, break up the same old routine with cheap and entertaining activities! BONUS: Most of these ideas are FREE (or super cheap)!! PUZZLES An...


We all have habits and routines that we’ve either established since youth or even created in the last few years as a “morning routine.” Some of us are even moody when this routine is interrupted or there isn’t time to complete it. Imagine needing this routine to feel...
Top 5 Dementia Resources

Top 5 Dementia Resources

Looking for places to learn more about dementia and what you can expect? There are numerous resources available (including this amazing site😊) to guide you in your dementia journey. Here is list of some of the sites that will help you study up and become a dementia...
Speech Exercises for Aphasia

Speech Exercises for Aphasia

Aphasia (the loss of ability to understand or express speech) from a stroke results from brain damage in the language center and can often be a challenging condition to overcome. This can result in an increased risk of depression, frustration and behaviors as a result...
How To Deal With Anxiety

How To Deal With Anxiety

Are you a worry wart? Do you make yourself sick thinking about things that you fear may happen? Anxiety may affect you in ways that affect your ability to live your daily life and may persist leading to unmanageable episodes of having severe panic attacks....