The Best Health Tips for Seniors


What does it mean to live a healthier lifestyle? Honestly, there are so many health tips out there it can be hard to determine which ones you need to focus on. When attempting to be healthier it can oftentimes be overwhelming. We’ve compiled the BEST health tips for seniors, so here they are. 

Drink More Water

If any health tip needs to be stressed, it’s this one. Drink enough water every single day! Water is not only vital to organ function and skin health but also to life! Not getting an adequate amount of water can lead to headaches, constipation, dry skin, and even has a direct correlation to worsening moods. There are many reasons why drinking enough water is our top priority for improved health, but more specifically why it is one of the best health tips for seniors.

As we age, our organs begin to lose some of their function. Not all at once, but progressively over time. Water helps promote sustainability in ALL organs and therefore should be a number 1 priority. Here are just a few of the many benefits of increasing your water intake.

Improves Heart Health

Your blood is made up of 92% water. When you are dehydrated your blood becomes thicker and is more difficult for the heart to pump and circulate. Increased difficulty pumping blood can cause your heart rate to increase as well as lead to high blood pressure.

Improves Joint Function

Your joints are made up of cartilage which is comprised of mostly water. Ample water consumption can keep joints mobile and decrease pain. Your intervertebral discs (essentially spacers between your vertebra) also have a large amount of cartilage and can be affected by dehydration. Keeping hydrated could actually reduce your arthritis pain!

Increases Kidney Function

Chronic poor water intake can result in urinary tract infections as well as an increased risk for kidney stones. Drinking enough water not only reduces your risk for both of these two common conditions. Drinking enough water also filters out toxins by flushing out infections or bacteria and improves overall kidney function.

Improves Brain Function

You’re probably tired of hearing us say it, but the brain is also made up of a huge portion of water and can be affected by dehydration. Proper hydration can increase problem-solving, reasoning, and help you to focus and remain alert.

Aides In Digestion

Drinking water with meals can help aide in overall digestion. Drinking water regularly can help to breakdown food so that the nutrients can be absorbed. Water also helps to keep the intestines flexible and allows for stool to pass through the intestines more easily. Dehydration is a top cause of constipation.

Moisturizes Skin

Lack of hydration is a huge cause of dry skin which can then crack leading to increased risk for infections. Hydrated skin is stronger than dry skin and is less prone to wrinkles. Similarly hydrated skin looks younger and more energetic than dry, cracked skin.

Promotes Weight Loss

We all know water is 0 calories but we oftentimes choose other beverages that are high in sugars and calories. Choosing water over those more sugary beverages decreases our calorie intake. Drinking a glass of water before each meal can also assist the body in feeling full and help to reduce appetite. Water is a natural appetite suppressant.

In general water is good for our bodies and is directly linked to a healthy immune system. Ample water intake can even reduce our risk of getting sick, so it’s important to stay hydrated!

How Much Water?

So how much water should you be drinking to see these overall health benefits? Appropriate water intake varies from person to person based on factors of weight, age, sex, and overall activity level. In general though, you should be attempting to get 64 ounces of water in a day. This may seem like a lot, but you can always start with a lower number and attempt to build up to 64. The idea is that this number is the goal and you should attempt to reach it but not to feel bad if you don’t. Just keep trying!

Need reminders to drink water? This water bottle lights up to remind your to drink more!! How cool is that!!

Need reminders to drink water?

This water bottle lights up to remind you to drink more! How cool is that?!

Get Enough Sleep

Your body performs many tasks while you are sleeping, you need to give it time to perform those functions. While you are sleeping your body produces more white blood cells which are essential in fighting off bacteria and viruses. The ability to fight off bacteria and viruses is much more crucial as we age and become more susceptible to infection. Without proper rest the body is unable to protect you from these and you can be more susceptible to sickness.

Another reason your body needs time to rest is that there is less stress on your heart. When you sleep your blood pressure drops and your heart doesn’t have to pump as hard. It also takes less energy to sleep, which means that your body is not converting your calories and food into energy. This rest period allows the body to focus on restoring and reducing inflammation that occurs throughout every day stress.

What is enough sleep?

The general recommended amount of sleep is about 7-9 hours a night. Getting this much sleep regularly is good for your body and also good for your mind. Lack of sleep has been linked to poorer mood and decreased brain function. While sleeping your brain processes your day and assists in making more solid memories. Therefore if you lack in sleep your memory can be affected. Memory formation is specifically linked to deep sleep which is why the quality of your sleep is so important. Looking for ways to improve your sleep routine? Check out our top 6 tips for improved sleep!

Exercise Regularly

According to the American Heart Association you should be aiming towards 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity exercise. Now I know what you’re thinking, and if you are someone that currently does 0 minutes of exercise that can sound like a lot! But let’s break it down. That’s about 30 minutes a day for 5 days out of the week. You can do it!

We all know weight loss is associated with exercising regularly but what you might not know is that it is also linked to improved brain function. Exercise is crucial to not only your body but your mind. Exercising has so many benefits including increased blood flow, improved heart health, improved cognition and many more. Regular exercise is crucial to all ages but even more specifically as we age due to our increased risk for falls. For more reasons why exercise is one of our top health tips for seniors, check out this article!

Brush Your Teeth

Don’t underestimate the power of good oral hygiene! Your teeth and gums can be very susceptible to the food and drinks we are eating, such as overly sugary drinks or foods. Brushing regularly (at least twice daily!) is essential to reducing your risk for gum disease and even pneumonia!

Incorporating regular oral care into your morning and evening routine will not only improve the condition of your mouth, but also improve your overall health. Check out more information on the reasons why brushing your teeth is so important to your overall health. And schedule an appointment to see your dentist!

Take Time For You

When you think of good overall health you probably think diet and exercise but what you may be leaving out is some me time! Our lifestyle these days is go, go, go with little time for relaxing and down time. You may not even realize that you haven’t taken some me time lately and have noticed some increased irritability or increased fatigue. Taking a break can help to reduce anxiety as well as decrease risk for depression and even strengthen relationships.

Due to our busy lifestyles we are at a higher risk of anxiety and stress with most people having a difficult time coping. If you feel like you might be experiencing anxiety take a break and also check out this article for more information on anxiety.

Prolonged states of anxiety and stress can increase your risk for depression, heart disease, headaches, etc. Get your anxiety down with meditation, reading, or whatever your hobbies are! Taking a moment just to yourself every single day is important for our mental health and also our physical health!

Best Health Tips for Seniors

Well, that’s it really. The best health tips for seniors are honestly pretty simple, but so important! It is typical for us to get overwhelmed with all of the things that we need to change or incorporate. But don’t let that stop you! Making 1 small change at a time can lead to a better lifestyle filled with healthier habits and routines. All you have to do is START!

The information you need… Straight Up!

Our Favorite Health Products for Seniors


This water bottle has an easy-open button for those with muscle strength deficits or trouble opening things. 


Adding a sound machine is a simple trick to help achieve deeper sleep. Sound machines can also assist with falling asleep, which can be a problem for some. 


The adjustable weights can be used on hands or feet and range from .5 to 2.5lbs each. We love these as they are easy to manage. We even use them with our Fall Prevention Program! 


Don’t just wait til you get to the dentist to take care of your teeth. Start right from your home! 


One of our favorite ways to relax is with the calming scent of lavender! But you can add whatever scent you like. Diffusers turn a regular space in to an oasis!